Jul 28, 2010

My Name is Karthik (MNIK)

Hello everybody, my name is Karthik. I am the preferred character to portray the romantic protagonist in most Tamil movies. The slow paced mushy movies preferably directed by Mani Ratnam, Gautam Menon etc.

I was played by a variety of actors; the most notable of them are Mohan, Karthik, Madhavan and Surya. In all movies I am 23 to 27 years old but may be portrayed by an older actor. I don’t work as mostly I have a rich dad. Even if my dad is poor I don’t go for work. I usually spend time smoking, ogling, boozing with friends. My dad hates me and always says that he couldn’t believe how he could have a son like me. 

I have a brother who is just like my dad, successful and boring. My mom loves me a lot and gives me all my pocket-money. I may have a young sister sometimes, who is very supportive. My brother's wife is like a mother to me. All my nephew/nieces love me a lot.

I am very cute and definitely not manly. I represent the metro sexual. I don’t like to have a mustache but I don’t shave clean either. With great effort I maintain the 4-days-since-shaved look.  I always wear contemporary clothing. I own a bike, which  I treat like a friend. It helps me a lot in love. All the girls would just fall for me, but I will fall for only one girl even if she is uglier than many of her friends.

I have a few close friends (Charlie, Vivek, Santhanam) who help me out in all troubles. They are more scared of m dad than I am. In spite of that, they help me out in my love endeavors. I fall in love at first sight mostly with a girl whose family status is not up to my father’s expectations. Almost every time, the girl initially hates me then falls for me head over heels in spite of the fact that i'm jobless.

The biggest challenge in my life is to convince the parents and marry the girl i love. This is more challenging than getting a job and settling down, but somehow the parents get convinced if I get a job. 

I dance to only romantic numbers in foreign locations. The dabbanguthu, ghana never suits me. I rarely fight with bad guys, may be once or twice in the movie, mostly to either impress or protect the girl i love. The girl gets impressed even if i lose the fight, provided my mouth bleeds and she has a duppata to wipe it off.

Whatever i do i win in love and get a job and hug the heroine in the climax.


Chiju said...

Haha! But, all the Karthik movies, from Alaipayuthey to VTV have proved to be successful! :) So, I think MNIK is a charm for movies to flourish!

Nice description though! You're getting good at this!

ash G said...

thanks da... guess practice does make prefect...

Unknown said...

nice one da ashwin.... :)

ash G said...

thanks da